Here is another story I'm writing. I haven't edited it yet so sorry about the spelling/grammar errors!!! :( :) I would tell you what it's about but then you wouldn't read it.
I'll explain a little bit how I came up with this story (should I do that from now on?)...well I use to live in a old farm house. My room was on the top floor and a lot of nights it would sound like someone was "walking around in the attic". So I came up with the idea of "Carrie and Josh" from that. Again I am re-writing it so...don't be too harsh. :/
1/ Carrie and Josh
Carrie Jones walked up the driveway of the white farmhouse she lived in with her family.
“Did you feed lightning?” Mrs. Jones asked her.
“Yes” Carrie replied. She went up to her room and sat down on her bed.
A noise sounded above her, this was weird because Carries room was upstairs, (the house was only two stories) it sounds like someone’s moving around up there she thought. She stood up and went outside. Chelsea Alexander her best friend was in the front yard.
“ Still hearing noises above your room, Carr?” Chelsea asked, teasingly.
“Yeh” Carrie replied. They walked over to the Alexanederses and got the horses out, “ hey Snowflake,” Carrie said as she opened the white horses stall. She took her out and put her in the crossties. After riding a while the two girls went inside and ate lunch.
Later that night a boy, sixteen or so, stood over Carries bed, she was asleep he looked down at her, I’ve got to tell her, he thought, tomorrow,( he bent down and lightly kissed her cheek.)
The next morning Carrie sat down at the computer to do her school, she (and her two sisters and brother) were home schooled.
Afterwards Carrie went outside and fed the horses, she petted lightning’s chestnut colored coat as he ate apple pieces out of her hand. "Good boy." She muttered.
That night as Carrie slept, the boy stood over her bed.
“Carrie,” he whispered,” Carrie,” she opened her eyes and almost screamed before he covered her mouth. "Shhhh."
“Who are you?” she asked once he moved his hand.
“I’ll tell you in a minute, follow me” the boy said
Carrie let him lead her to her closet there were stairs,
“ I didn’t know those were there,” she said in surprise. He led her up the stairs.
“Wow,” Carrie gasped,” how’d all this get up here?” she asked.
“I’m not sure. They were up here when I came here before your family bought this house,” he said,” by the way I’m Josh. Josh Eirs,” Josh said.
“I’m Carrie Jones,” Carrie said, for some reason she felt like he already knew her name by the computers that showed her room.” How long have you been up here?” she asked.
“About two, three, years,” Josh replied, ”I’m sixteen, be seventeen in September,” he told her, his brown eyes sparkled as he looked at her.
“You’ve been up here since you were thirteen?” she asked.
“Yep, I know how to work all this stuff,” Josh said,“ I just brought you up here to show you this was here and to tell you I was up here. You can come up here whenever you want,” he said,” come here,” she came over to him, he took her over to one of the computers. He sat down,” put your hand right here,” he said. She did. “Press down hard,” he held her wrist. “ All right, you can take it out now. Your hands been programmed into the lock,” he told her. She looked down at his hand that encircling her wrist. He let go of her wrist. She pushed a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.
“Josh what are you doing?” Carrie asked she had been going up to his room for several weeks.
“Watching you,” the boy replied teasingly.
“What does all this do?” Carrie asked.
“Come here,” Josh said, he stood up she sat in his chair, “ this one, is the cameras,” he told her.
“Oh,” Carrie said.
“ There only in your room and there’s one in the dinning room,” Josh said.
“Why are they in my room?” Carrie asked.
“ I don’t know I wasn’t here when this stuff was put in here,” Josh said,“ remember?” “I’ve watched you for two years,” Josh said, “but I didn’t see you change or anything.”
“Uhhuh,” Carrie said,“ Josh, can I tell Chelsea about you?” she asked.
“Well…” he drug out the word, “ I guess. I know she’s
never told any of your secrets,” he said.
“Thanks,” Carrie said.
“ Your welcome,” Josh said.
“Josh why don’t you go to school?” Carrie asked.
“Don’t need to,” Josh replied.
“ I guess you don’t with all these computers,” Carrie s-
“I’ve got some school CD’s,” Josh said.
“Guess what, Chels?” Carrie said, the next day.
“What?” Chelsea asked.
“You know the noises I’ve been hearing?” Carrie said.
“Yeh,” Chelsea said.
“Well, it’s a boy. His name is Josh, he’s sixteen,” Carrie said.
“OHHHHHHHH!” Chelsea said.
“ Come on, do you want to meet him?” Carrie asked.
“Yeh,” Chelsea said.
Carrie took her up to her room she unlocked the secret staircase and lead her up the stairs.
“ Josh?” Carrie whispered before they got to the top of the stairs.
“You can come in, Carrie,” Josh said.
Carrie entered the room Chelsea behind her, “Josh,
This is Chelsea. Chelsea, this is Josh,” Carrie introduced them.
Chelsea shook Josh’s hand.
“Were you just watching us?” Carrie asked.
“Yeh,” Josh replied his dark eyes twinkling.
“Josh,” Carrie said.
“It’s not that hard, you were in the dining room, that’s just the camera I had it on,” Josh said.
“What?” Chelsea asked.
“He has cameras in the house, in my room mostly and there’s one in the dinning room,” Carrie explained to her friend.
Josh got up, Carrie sat down in his chair, and watched the cameras.
“Josh,” Carrie said several minutes later,” something just happened,” she said. Josh came over to her, he reached over/around her and hit a few buttons, the cameras came back on.
“I got to go, Carrie,” Chelsea said.
“Ok, I’ll go with you,” Carrie said, ”I’ll be back in a minute, Josh,” she told him.
“Ok,” Josh said, as the girls left the room.
“And Josh,” Carrie said,” cut the microphones off,” she said. They walked down the steps.
“He’s handsome,” Chelsea said when they got outside.
“Mmmhmm,” Carrie agreed, they laughed,” don’t tell anyone, Chels, this is a secret,” Carrie told her friend.
“I promise,” Chelsea said.
After taking Chelsea home Carrie went back up to the attic.
“Do you think we should put her programmed in the lock?” Josh asked.
“No she’ll be up here whenever she’s not busy,” Carrie said,” if her boyfriend finds out she’s hanging out with another boy, he’ll try to find you.”
Carrie told him,” and Chelsea can get boy crazy.”
Josh chuckled,” I’d choose you over her any day, Carrie,” he told her,“I’m serious.’
“You haven’t known…well I haven’t known you that long,” Carrie said.
“You’re right, Carrie,” Josh said,” but I still would,” he said.
“And I wouldn’t want you to get hurt,” Carrie said,” you’re the only boy I’ve ever liked.”
“Same here except girl,” Josh said,” I’ve never liked a boy,” Josh shook his shoulders,” never would either, I’d be happy if I just married you,” he said.
“We’re too young to talk about that,” Carrie said.
“I’m almost 18,” Josh defended himself,” anyway do you want to go out tomorrow?” Josh asked.
“I would love to but how are you gonna get out of here without anyone seeing you?” Carrie asked him,” and I’ll have to tell my parent’s something. I can’t tell them you live in our attic.”
“No,” Josh teased her,” just leave it to me,” he said,” just tell your parents I live in a apartment I sort of do.”
“Ok, sure? I don’t want to lie. You don’t have a cat,” Carrie said.
“Yes, I do, it’s at my friends house,” Josh told her,” I bought it from him when I went out when your family was on vacation,” he said.
“ Drivers license?” Carrie asked.
Josh pulled out of his pocket/wallet, his license,” Yep took it before I got the car,” he said, smiling at the girl.
“We also need to figure out how you’re going to get back up here,” Carrie said.
“Just wait till everyone’s asleep in their beds,” Josh said.
“I’ll leave it to you, you’re smarter than I am,” Carrie said.
Josh looked at her,” I am not, Carrie, “he said.
Carrie looked over at him, “You’re older than me so yes you are,” Carrie said.
“No I’m not, Josh thought.
“Your dad’s nice,” Josh said, the next night as they sat in the/a restaurant,” it worked out,” he said.
Carrie smiled,” Yes, it did, and yes, he is,” she said.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Josh said.
“Thank you,” Carrie said,” you look very handsome.”
“It’s the best I could do,” Josh said.
“You didn’t watch me change did you?” Carrie asked.
“No,” Josh replied.
“You better not,” Carrie said.
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” Josh said.
“Good,” Carrie said, ”how are we going to get you back in your room?” she asked.
“Do what I told you yesterday,” Josh replied.
“Allright,” Carrie said.
Josh paid the bill and they left.
“I had a great time tonight, Josh,” Carrie said as they walked up her front porch steps,” I’ll see you in a minute,” she whispered, “goodnight.”
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