Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just Journaling
I don’t understand why, or how, I feel the way I feel about him. Is it because he knows when I’m upset?? No, he only knows that by the dots…..that I put. Is it because he teaches me without knowing it? No, a lot of people do that. I don’t know the cause of my feelings; I just know they’re there. I don’t know if they’re a good thing, or bad. Sometimes I think it’s good, he’s a nice guy, so it seems. But other times I think it’s bad. If nothing is going to happen beyond what there is now, then it will be for nothing…almost nothing. Feelings are not controlled, you can’t choose who you like, you can only choose to help what you feel.
Forever Loved
My heart goes out to her;
The girl I got so close to
So quickly.
She needs me now
More than ever,
As her body
Is killing her baby.
She doesn’t know
If she will ever see
The child growing inside.
And I want to be there
To comfort her
To hold her while she cries.
The baby has barely moved
And it’s been two days,
We are both getting worried
Hoping the child gets to stay.
I almost cried last night
As I thought of both of them;
The mother so young
And needing a friend.
The baby not even born
And has so many troubles.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I was thinking of you today.
And all that you’ve been through
In the past few weeks.
The day I learned of the accident,
Almost four weeks ago,
I couldn’t help but let the tears fall
And pray to God that you lived.
God answered my prayer,
After three days of worrying,
And constantly asking for updates.
I was afraid to tell you
How you make me smile,
Even when you barely say anything.
I didn’t want to say
Anything about the feelings
I have towards you.
But I did.
At first it was difficult
Because I was trying to stop
The feelings that I had,
But then I couldn’t so I just let it go,
And now they’ve grown.
I can’t help that
And I know that they are probably
There for nothing
Yet they’re there,
And are still growing.
Right now I’m thinking of you,
And how every heartbeat
That beats beneath the scar,
Is a heartbeat that is
Not suppose to have beaten.
I am glad that it beats,
Because if it didn’t,
I wouldn’t have you
To make sure I think the good things.